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Getting Started as Student

SafeAssign is a plagiarism prevention service. It is designed to aid in educating students about plagiarism and the importance of properly referencing borrowed content.


SafeAssign is integrated within SIT programmes in the Blackboard Learning System™ and prevents plagiarism by detecting unoriginal content in student papers.


If your programme includes SafeAssign, instructions on how to use it are given in the ‘Assignment Help’ section of the ‘Blackboard Help’ page on Blackboard.


SafeAssign identifies all matching blocks of text, and it is the responsibility of facilitators and students to investigate whether matching text is properly referenced or not (i.e. plagiarised).

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All work of others referred to in assignments must be referenced correctly using APA Referencing (within body text and in the reference list).



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The problem of plagiarism is of ongoing concern within the tertiary education sector. In recent years the increasing use of internet by students has further fuelled the longstanding problem of students passing off the work of others as their own.

Plagiarism occurs in a variety of forms, including;

  • The use of an idea or direct quotation from another author, without acknowledgement through appropriate referencing
  • Allowing one’s own work for an assignment to be copied by another student for their own purposes
  • Using information from another source (textbook, periodical, internet site, etc.), and using this either in its original form, or in a disguised form (through minor word changes or format alterations), without either acknowledgement or appropriate referencing
  • Purchasing, or otherwise obtaining, the text of an assignment written by someone else, and then submitting it as one’s own work.

Any individual student assignment submitted for marking must represent the student’s own thoughts and conclusions; and where students use the work and ideas of others, then this shall be acknowledged and/or referenced appropriately.


In cases where plagiarism has occurred, faculty staff shall take remedial action.  Subject to the severity of the offence, this may range from a reduction in marks allocated for an assignment, to removal of an offending student from their programme of study. (SIT QM4.3 4-1)

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Professional preparation of assignments is important at Southern Institute of Technology. Individual thought expressed in a grammatically correct manner and spell checked is required. 


Research to support your ideas is recommended. Appropriately acknowledged work of others is essential.
This presentation guide covers four main areas:

  • Plagiarism
  • APA referencing
  • Using ‘Safe Assign’
  • Presentation guidelines
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Contact Helpdesk (0800 748 435 or and let them know the name of the printer (there should be a label starting PRT-), a new ink toner will be installed as soon as possible.

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  • You can send a job to the SIT photocopiers from any device that can send an email with an attachment.
  • You do not need to install anything.
  • You must send the email from your student (or staff) email address.

Only the following file types are supported:

  • Word documents (.docx, .doc)
  • Powerpoint documents (.ppt, .pptx, .pps)
  • Excel documents (.xls, .xlsx)
  • PDF (.pdf)
  • Text documents (.txt)

If you need any further assistance please contact the IT Helpdesk 0800 748 435


How to print via email

  1. Login to your student webmail at
  2. Address an email to one of the following addresses:
    1. Black & White:
    2. Colour:
  3. Attach your PDF/ Word/Excel/ Powerpoint file(s) and send the email
  4. Login at any Canon photocopier on campus
  5. Print as normal. Done!
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New packets of paper are available and will be located near printers and copiers. See Administration if there is no paper available in the lab/room.

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Print credits can be obtained at Administration or a library Kiosk- minimum of $5.00 top-up. 


Residual credits at the end of the course are not refunded to students.

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It is your responsibility to make regular backup copies of your data to ensure your work is not lost in the event of a system error. This includes files saved to OneDrive.


At the end of your study, all files saved to your H drive and OneDrive will be unavailable so please ensure they are removed before you finish.


SIT will not be responsible for the loss of student data files.

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For all SIT computer problems Phone: 0800 748 435 or Email:


When contacting the helpdesk, make sure you have your Student ID Number and your PC ID Number. The Helpdesk will give you a job reference number.
Please keep that job number for future correspondence.

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