- What is defined as sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment is any verbal or physical act of a sexual nature that is unsolicited, unwanted, unreciprocated, serious and/or persistent.
- What is Southern Institute of Technology’s stance on sexual harassment?
It is SIT policy that sexual harassment is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
- What behaviour is recognised as being sexual harassment?
Such behaviour includes:
- Unwelcome and deliberate physical conduct/ contact
- Verbal comments or abuse
- Contact or activities including text messages, of a sexual nature, either overt or subtle, which may be accompanied by threats
- The abuse of power to gain sexual advantage
- Open display of sexist material
- What should I do if I am being sexually harassed?
If you consider that you are being sexually harassed, you should let the harasser know immediately. If this is not possible and/or the unwelcome behaviour persists, then you should contact one of the contact people listed below.
- SIT Invercargill Campus and Queenstown and MAINZ
- Student Services - 0800 40 3337 - Lois McMurdo
- SIT Christchurch Campus - 0800 867 883 - Peter Healey
- SIT Gore Campus - 03 208 9833 - Margie Halford
- SIT Auckland Campus - 0800 265 526
You have the right to learn in an environment that is safe and free from coercion and discrimination.
- What happens if you break any of the outlined rules?
If you break any of the outlined rules:
- Your tutor will generally talk to you about your unacceptable behaviour and this action will be recorded.
- If misconduct occurs again, you will be given a final written warning. Your actions will be recorded, and your Programme Manager/Head of Faculty notified.
- If the misconduct occurs again, you are liable to be withdrawn from your programme of study.
- If misconduct is deemed serious enough on the first occasion, you will be stood down from class, directed to leave the campus or (in serious cases) directed to withdraw from your programme of study immediately.