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Te Pūkenga | New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
Governing Statutes
Te Pūkenga was established by the Education Act 1989 and is continued by the Education and Training Act 2020 (‘the Act’).
Functions and Responsibilities
The creation of Te Pūkenga is one of eight changes brought about by the Reform of Vocational Educational (‘RoVE’) which seeks to create a unified vocational education system for Aotearoa.
As part of RoVE, Te Pūkenga has brought together New Zealand’s 16 former Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (‘ITPs’) along with the arranging training functions of eight Industry Training Organisations (formerly known as Transitional Industry Training Organisations or ‘TITOs’) to create one unified network of provision that offers seamless integration of on-campus, on-the-job and online learning. Te Pūkenga works in partnership for ākonga (learners) to get better skills and qualifications, and in good jobs faster, with less debt. Te Pūkenga gives ākonga real-world experiences and provides choices to learn anywhere, anytime, and anyway.
Te Pūkenga has statutory functions under the Education and Training Act 2020. In performing these functions, we must give effect to our Charter and be guided by our Letter of Expectations from the Minister of Education.
Our Statutory Functions
Under the Education and Training Act 2020, the key functions of Te Pūkenga are:
- to provide or arrange, and support, a variety of education and training, including vocational, foundation, and degree-level or higher education and training:
- to conduct research, with a focus on applied and technological research:
- to be responsive to and to meet the needs of the regions of New Zealand and their learners, industries, employers, and communities by utilising Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology’s national network of tertiary education programmes and activities:
- to improve the consistency of vocational education and training by using skill standards and working in collaboration with workforce development councils:
- to improve outcomes in the tertiary education system as a whole, including (without limitation) by making connections with schools and other organisations involved in tertiary education and by promoting and supporting lifelong learning:
- to improve outcomes for Māori learners and Māori communities in collaboration with Māori and iwi partners, hapū, and interested persons or bodies:
- to carry out any other functions consistent with its role as a tertiary education institution.
Responsibilities of Advisory Committees
Te Pūkenga Council is informed by three statutory advisory committees: a learner committee, a staff committee and a Māori advisory committee (Komiti Māori). Te Pūkenga Council must:
- consult each committee about significant matters relating to the Council’s strategic direction that are relevant to the class of people represented by that committee; and
- consider any advice given on those matters or any other matters by the committee.
Responsibilities of Academic Board
Te Poari Akoranga (Te Pūkenga Academic Board) provides strategic academic direction and leadership, and a national infrastructure to ensure quality, compliance and consistency of teaching and learning. It is responsible for:
- advising the Council on matters relating to work-based learning, courses of study or training, awards, and other academic matters; and
- exercising powers delegated to it by Council.
Background and Previous Organisation Structure
Te Pūkenga was established on 1 April 2020. On establishment, all 16 of New Zealand’s ITPs became subsidiaries of Te Pūkenga. These ITPs were:
- Ara Institute of Canterbury
- Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT)
- Manukau Institute of Technology (MIT)
- Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT) NorthTec
- Otago Polytechnic
- Southern Institute of Technology (SIT)
- Tai Poutini Polytechnic
- The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
- Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology
- Unitec Institute of Technology
- Universal College of Learning (UCOL)
- Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec)
- Wellington Institute of Technology (WelTec)
- Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki (WITT)
- Whitireia New Zealand.
In March 2021, Te Pūkenga established one other subsidiary, Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning Limited (‘WBL’), to receive TITOs as they transitioned into the organisation. These TITOs were:
- Careerforce
- HITO (New Zealand Hair, Beauty and Barbering Industry Training Organisation)
- Primary ITO (Primary Industry Training Organisation)
- Competenz
- Connexis
- BCITO (Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation (New Zealand))
- MITO (Motor Industry Training Organisation Inc)
- ServiceIQ
- EarnLearn (Part of The Skills Organisation Inc).
As of 1 January 2023, all Te Pūkenga subsidiaries have been dissolved. Te Pūkenga is now one entity, with all former ITPs and TITOs operating as ‘business divisions’ of Te Pūkenga.
Set out below is the new organisation structure of Te Pūkenga. Te Pūkenga and its business divisions continue to transition to this new organisation structure during 2023, as the detailed design of each business group is completed.
Te Pūkenga Organisation Structure
Te Pūkenga organisation structure is currently made up of nine business groups which operates across four regions and within eight Ako Delivery Networks. Ako Delivery Networks are collaborative networks that are aligned to vocational pathways and deliver teaching and learning that meet the needs of employers, industry and learners.
The business groups are:
- Academic Centre and Learning Systems
- Ako Delivery
- Digital
- Finance
- Learner and Employer Experience and Attraction
- People, Culture and Wellbeing
- Office of the Chief Executive
- Strategy and Transformation
- Tiriti Outcomes.
The four regions are:
- Rohe 1 | Region 1 including Te Tai Tokerau Northland and Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland
- Rohe 2 | Region 2 including Waikato, Waiariki Bay of Plenty, Te Tai Rāwhiti and Te Matau-a-Māui Hawke’s Bay
- Rohe 3 | Region 3 including Taranaki, Manawatū-Whanganui, Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington, Te Tauihu-o-te-Waka a Māui Marlborough and Whakatū Nelson Tasman
- Rohe 4 | Region 4 including Tai Poutini West Coast, Waitaha Canterbury, Otakou Otago and Southland Murihiku.
Te Pūkenga is working on finalising the names for each region.
The eight Ako Delivery Networks are:
- Creative, Cultural, Recreation and Technology
- Community, Health, Education and Social Services
- Construction and Infrastructure
- Foundation and Pathways
- Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics
- Mātauranga Māori
- People, Food and Fibre
- Services
Te Pūkenga is governed by its Council. The Council is informed by three advisory committees, with a member of each committee also sitting on Council. All Council members are appointed by the Minister of Education, except those holding advisory committee seats who are elected by their committee.
The three advisory committees are:
- Komiti Māori - represents Māori learners, whānau, iwi, hapū, communities and employers and ensures diverse and independent Māori voices influence the development and ongoing activities of Te Pūkenga;
- The Learner Advisory Committee - represents our learners’ voices and ensures the needs of learners remain at the centre of everything we do;
- The Staff Advisory Committee - represents our staff voice with representatives from each subsidiary.
Interim versions of each advisory committee have been established with final versions expected to be in place mid-2023.
Te Pūkenga Executive Leadership structure is made up of the following positions:
- Tumuaki | Chief Executive Officer
- Pourangi Tangata | Chief People Officer
- Pourangi Matihiko | Chief Digital Officer
- Pourangi Pūtea | Chief Financial Officer
- Pourangi Kaimahi | Chief of Staff
- Pourangi Hua Tiriti | DCE Tiriti Outcomes
- Pourangi Mātauranga me ngā Pūnaha Ako | DCE Academic Centre and learning systems
- Pourangi Ako | DCE Ako Delivery
- Pourangi Ākonga me te Ahumahi | DCE Learner and Employer Experience and Attraction
- Pourangi Pūnaha me ngā Panonitanga | DCE Strategy and Transformation
Other leaders include:
- Eight Regional Director Co-Leads
- Eight Ako Network Leads
Documents Relating to Decision-Making Process
Te Pūkenga keeps records in accordance with the Public Records Act 2005. Ākonga and kaimahi records as per the table below:
Type of record
Minimum length of time record must be kept
Learner qualifications and final assessment results
Grading and marking of individual assessments
Seven years from last information entry date
Marked learning assessments
12 months
Student Applications: Successful
Ten years after date of last action
Student Applications: Unsuccessful
Two years after date of last action
Summaries of employee histories such as dates of employment
Ten years from last information entry date then transfer to Archives NZ
Note, this is only applicable if summary information exists and can be retrieved
Staff files for all other employees that have left Te Pūkenga
Seven years from last information entry date
Te Pūkenga publications are listed on our website here and include:
- Corporate documents and publications, including various reporting documents;
- Research, strategies, frameworks and plans that guide Te Pūkenga mahi;
- Our legal framework;
- Information proactively released under the Official Information Act 1982; and
- Te Pūkenga policies, processes and procedures.
All requests for information from Te Pūkenga, including its business divisions, can be made to:
OIA For Te Pūkenga (OIA requests only)
Information (general enquiries)
Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
Level 2, Wintec House
Cnr Anglesea & Nisbet Streets
Hamilton 3204
PO Box 19400
Hamilton 3244
Phone 0800 86 22 84
Privacy enquiries: Kara Hiron email
Media enquiries: Media email
Website: https://www.tepū
Contact details for individual business divisions can be found through the ‘Contact us’ page of Te Pūkenga website.