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Please note, this is a STAR course, which is only available to NZ Secondary Schools via application by the school's nominated STAR / Gateway Co-ordinator
571 Describe wool production in New Zealand Unit Level: 3 Credits: 5 Version: 5
15609 Demonstrate knowledge of sheep milk production Unit Level: 3 Credits: 4 Version: 4
19147 Describe the activities and hazards in a wool shed during shearing from a farm perspective Unit Level: 2 Credits: 2 Version: 3
19149 Describe lambing, and the procedures for assisting ewes having difficulty lambing Unit Level: 3 Credits: 4 Version: 3
19157 Describe sheep genetics, and ram selection Unit Level: 3 Credits: 5 Version: 3
24641 Describe the features, attributes, identification, and records for sheep Unit Level: 2 Credits: 2 Version: 2