Course Finder

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Please note, this is a STAR course, which is only available to NZ Secondary Schools via application by the school's nominated STAR / Gateway Co-ordinator

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Key Details

10082 Describe of rearing weaner or replacement cattle
Unit Level: 3
Credits: 4
Version: 4

19075 Describe calving, and associated diseases and health disorders
Unit Level: 3
Credits: 3
Version: 3

19081 Describe annual feed supply and demand, methods to manage feed surpluses and deficits, and perform calculations
Unit Level: 2
Credits: 4
Version: 4

24623 Describe breeds and classes of cattle and identification and records for cattle
Unit Level: 2
Credits: 2
Version: 3

24624 Describe cattle genetics and selection
Unit Level: 3
Credits: 5
Version: 2

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